Earrings: Non-Pierced: Clip-Ons; Screw-Backs; Cuffs; Magnetics
Non-Pierced earrings are so varied and fun! They were a favorite for much of the 20th century, and their popularity is returning as many love the retro looks.
eternalcollection.co.uk tells us that:
"In the early 20th century, a solution was found in the invention of clip on earrings. This new invention allowed anyone to wear earrings without the “disgrace” of piercing holes in their ears. Crystal clip on earrings that resembled chandeliers became a defining feature of the Victorian. The sophisticated members of society could embellish their bodies without fear of scandal, and the faint of heart could engage in the same pleasures of those brave enough to undergo the piercing.
Because of the invention of clip on earrings, traditional pierced earrings started to fade out of the picture. Clip on earrings could accommodate everyone, while pierced earrings only could be worn by those with pierced ears. In turn, clip ons were in every jewellery store, in every style, and for every occasion. The flappers of the 1920’s were notorious for ornamenting themselves with this new fad, often with drop clip on earrings that were not quite as glamorous as the crystal drop earrings favoured by the Victorians, but still sparkled and shone with the best of them. Diamante clip on earrings also stole the stage in the late 20’s and early 30’s. With simpler geometric shapes and colours, the diamante style never lost its appeal. Short haircuts allowed the earrings to be the focal point of the face, adding a touch of femininity when it was popular to mimic the boyish figure.
However, the enormous fad that was clip on earrings did not last throughout the ages. Rebellious, non-conformist teens and young adults of the 1970’s always seemed to opt for the more extreme form of self-expression. The pearl clip on earrings that were common among girls of all ages in the 1950’s were tossed to the wind. To them, clip on earrings were not showing the dedication to the art, and they began the resurgence of pierced ears once more. While today, pierced ears are a common occurrence in young girls and even babies, it was considered an act of defiance back in the seventies."
jewelryshoppingguide.com tells us:
"The main type of non-pierced earrings people usually talk about are clip-on earrings. These are earrings that, through one mechanism or another, are attached to your ear by applying a little pressure to it from both sides of the earlobe. They are safe, don’t damage your ear in any way, and when attached properly, don’t cause any pain or leave any visible marks.
"Screw-back earrings are one of the oldest and most often used types of non-pierced earrings in the world. They work with a simple, small screw on the back side of the earring, pressing it to the lobe."
"Hinge Clip-Ons: A convenient alternative to the screw-back introduced on the market in the 1930s, the hinge earring works by having a small hinge clip on its back that can easily be fastened to the lobe or opened up to release the earring. It’s easy and fast to operate"
"Paddle Backs: Similar to the hinge clip-on, the paddle back was introduced a couple of decades later. It works through a paddle clip that has a spring bar on its hinge. It’s a great and simple design that offers a lot of security."
"Screw-Hinge Clip-Ons: A combination of the original screw-back design and the hinge clip-on, this design invented in 1962 combines the best of both – it includes a screw on a hinge. This gives it the convenience of the hinge design, as well as the option for precise adjustment of the screw-back."
"Mini-Clips: Great for small, lightweight earrings, the mini-clip is comprised of a simple wedge with a tension bar that hinges the earring to the ear. This is a great design for people with small lobes or for those looking for a discreet earring."
"Magnetic Earrings: Magnetic earrings rely on applying pressure to the two sides of one’s earlobes. Magnetic earrings do so with magnets. They are very easy to put on and they apply only a very slight pressure on the ear. They are, however, somewhat less reliable as they are easier to steal or to lose. They can also disrupt electronic devices when stored next to them, so you should keep them away from things such as credit cards, watches, and others."